Tokopedia visual campaign #banggabuatanindonesia in supporting the marketing of MSME products in the era of the covid 19 pandemic


  • Pungky Febi Arifianto Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas


Visual Campaign, Tokopedia, Bangga Buatan Indonesia, National Campaign, Marketing, MSMEs, Covid-19


Tokopedia as the largest e-commerce made in Indonesia, was lined up to be the government's partner in promoting a national campaign called Bangga Buatan Indonesia. This campaign is one of the government's ways to increase people's purchasing power for local products in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a company engaged in e-commerce technology, Tokopedia has created a special curation page for local products specifically for merchant partners from all over Indonesia, from small-scale micro-scale traders to large traders who originally made in Indonesia. To introduce this feature, Tokopedia through the #bang- gabuatanindonesia campaign created a special visual campaign with a variety of media ranging from digital posters, application headers, IG Feed & story tem- plates, to audio-visual media in the form of short videos introducing products made by Indonesian MSMEs. It is hoped that the synergy between Tokopedia and the government will accelerate digital adoption for MSME business actors as well as increase productivity and advance the nation's economy.




How to Cite

Arifianto, P. F. (2021). Tokopedia visual campaign #banggabuatanindonesia in supporting the marketing of MSME products in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. ADBE, 1(1), 52–58. Retrieved from